Hide Window Hotkey is a utility which allows you to hide the windows, and programs which are running on your screen.It will instantly hide or close all (or some) programs through mouse hotkey or keyboard hotkey.It also could resize your programs automatically,such as maximize, minimize,normal,minimize to tray. Features Hide any application window completely through a hotkey or as an icon in system tray. Arrange the windows on taskbar based on your choice. Hide any part of the taskbar according to your preference. Quiet all sounds when hide program windows. Password protect hidden windows. Automatically maximize or minimize or normal all new windows you specify. Automatically minimize all new windows you specify to system tray. Minimize the current window to system tray. Show window property of application,such as window handle,class name,process id etc. Apply transparency effect from 0% (fully transparent) to 100% (solid) rate to any program in Windows 2000/XP/2003. Customizable hot keys. Automatically select newly created windows. Note You can run only one copy of Hide Window Hotkey. Attempting to run additional copies of Hide Window Hotkey will bring the currently running Hide Window Hotkey to the front. Fucked by obaby 部分关键代码:
004C51A5 |. BA 34534C00 mov edx,去自校验.004C5334
004C51AA |. E8 5DF8F3FF call 去自校验.00404A0C ; 关键call
004C51AF |. 75 1C jnz short 去自校验.004C51CD ; 跳向注册窗口
004C51B1 |. 33D2 xor edx,edx
004C51B3 |. 8B83 A8030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+3A8]
004C51B9 |. E8 BA40FAFF call 去自校验.00469278
004C51BE |. 33D2 xor edx,edx
004C51C0 |. 8B83 A4030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+3A4]
004C51C6 |. E8 AD40FAFF call 去自校验.00469278
004C51CB |. EB 07 jmp short 去自校验.004C51D4 ; 跳向软件窗体
004C51CD |> 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
004C51CF |. E8 38100000 call 去自校验.004C620C